"Doritos Locos" Taco Bake 3

“Doritos Locos” Taco Bake

Doritos Locos Taco Bake. Yup, I went there.

And you know what? I don’t regret it at all.  Those folks at Taco Bell were really onto something.

I’ll be honest – Taco Bell totally grosses me out. I stopped eating there long before the whole “our meat isn’t even meat” scandal and I don’t  have plans to start any time soon. But I just had to see what all the fuss about Doritos Locos Tacos was about, so I took matters into my own hands.

Taco bake is one of my most popular recipes, and all it took were a few small tweaks to give it a new look and feel. WOW. Where has this been all my life?

Juicy Bison Burgers with Mushrooms & Onions 4

Juicy Bison Burgers with Mushrooms & Onions

If you have any extra mushrooms after making the lasagna I posted last week, this recipe is a great way to use them up. Loaded up with mushrooms and onions sautéed until they’re so soft they almost melt, these burgers are so flavorful that I’ll even make an exception to my “don’t you dare serve me a burger that isn’t smothered with cheese” rule.

Vietnamese Summer Rolls with Sausage 5

Vietnamese Summer Rolls with Sausage

Summer rolls are the perfect light meal in this stifling heat. They’re similar to Chinese egg rolls/spring rolls, but are eaten raw instead of fried. They’re stuffed with thin noodles, fresh herbs, raw vegetables, and, optionally, a (cooked) protein like shrimp or sausage.

In my attempt to recreate the restaurant version, I made my own sausage. A google search resulted in tons of recipes, so I mixed and matched to get something that seemed right. The sausages themselves were really easy to make and tasted phenomenal. My version was a little more mild than what I had originally hoped for, but I’ll definitely make them again.